Monday, January 08, 2007

Due date reminder emails now available!

If I had to say the most asked-for service from the library in 2006, it would be requests for a loan reminder email, sent a day before your items are due to remind you to renew or return their items. Well, starting the new year off in great service style, loan reminders, otherwise known as "underdue notices" are now available.
You must opt in by going to the library catalogue or Your use of the Library at, and choose Check your borrower record or Renew your loans.
Then enter your library card number and PIN - the next screen will ask you to click on the button to opt in. You will then receive email reminders regarding your loans the day before they are due.
The final screen in this process contains a reminder that YOU are still ultimately responsible for the timely return of items on loan in your name.
Happy New Year everyone!


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