Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What is 'Academici'?

Academici is an interesting concept, as a social networking site online for academics. A couple of presentations I've heard lately have mentioned Academici so I thought I'd pass the details along, especially after my weekly update from the site mentioned the following new group:

Molecular Cancer Biology and Cell Signalling.
Our group is aimed to focus on recent developments in cancer therapy and cell signaling findings for oncologists, molecular and cell biologists, biochemists, and those working in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries and so share the experiences and knowledge and new ideas.

Here's the 'about us' blip from
'academici' is successful, because it combines the interests of
- knowledge workers who are interested in specific topics and problems, looking out for colleagues and partners
- people who are interested in relating to others, sharing information and knowledge, but also friendship and life
- institutions who would like to support and enhance their researchers and all the other people dealing with them and their institutions
- companies who spend billions for R&D, but could save millions if they could easier link up with knowledge workers

This is also interesting as it seems a move away from traditional publisher and society based networking to a more grassroots, collaborative style, based on emerging technologies and sites such as Academici. I would be interested in hearing whether any Bath staff have joined up..

Friday, August 25, 2006

Library redevelopment works underway

Temporary fencing on the parade side of the library building may deter all but the most determined library users at the moment, but the persistent few who navigate around to the rear of the building have found redevelopment on Level 2 well underway.
Most of the public areas on Level 2 have been gutted (see photo), with Reprographics temporarily moved up to level 3, and the BUCS helpdesk staff operating out of the window where repro used to be. The Issue Desk is still in the same location and operating with business as usual. All the upper floors including Level 4 are unaffected apart from missing a few of our more intrepid travelling staff members [insert photo of Linda on Great Wall of China here]!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Taylor & Francis journals now online

We've started our subscription to the Taylor & Francis collection of Science, Technology and Medicine journals, adding over 500 STM ejournals to our holdings. All journals are listed in the A-Z ejournal list or view the excel file here.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition in English

The Library has subscribed to the backfile for this journal. We now have a full run of the title from 1962 volume 1 issue 1 onwards.

Monday, August 07, 2006

SAGE premier journals now available

Our access to the SAGE Premier collection has now been activated, adding 389 titles to our online journal collection. This not a science collection of journals, but those of you working in interdiscplinary fields may very well find much of interest.
Access to these titles starts at 1999 although not all titles are archived this far back. The date information against each title on the A-Z listing is correct
If you wish to link to Sage from the databases/indexes page or from subject resource pages, good drop off points are the SAGE
A-Z at or the topic page.

Friday, August 04, 2006

MIT CogNet on trial.

There is a 60 day trial to MIT CogNet now active. The trial will finish on the 3rd October.
We currently have
full access to all of the content hosted on MIT CogNet.
This includes:
*Over 400 full-text books in cognitive science from The MIT Press
*OpenCourseWare in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences
*Conference Materials
*Reference works such as:
The Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences
The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks 2nd ed.
The Visual Neurosciences
The Handbook of Multisensory Processes
The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders
*Full text of 6 MIT journals:
Linguistic Inquiry
Neural Computation
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Artificial Life
Computational Linguistics
Evolutionary Computation

We would very much appreciate feedback on this resource, in order to inform a subscription decision.
Please send any comments to
Kara Jones, Subject Librarian for Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Biology & Biochemistry, ( ext. 5809)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Trial of Wiley e-books

Wiley Interscience are offering a large number of science books in electronic form. You can view a list with tables of contents here:

Please will you take a look and let Kara or Linda know if there are any titles which you would like us to purchase: the pricing seems very reasonable. You can send us an email or click the 'comments' button at the end of this message to suggest a title.

The list of books is quite long to browse online: we will supply a spreadsheet on request.

Through August the University of Bath has full text access to 12 titles (selected by Wiley):

Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 127
Systems Engineering with SDL
The Science and Ethics of Engineering the Human Germ Line
Mobile and Personal Communication Services and Systems
Spatial Ecology via Reaction-Diffusion Equations
Metallische Verbundwerkstoffe
Object Oriented Software Technologies in Telecommunications
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Van der Waals Complexes in Supersonic Beams
Digital Communication Over Fading Channels