Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Summer seminars at the library.

Library staff are running a series of training seminars on emerging tools and technologies over the summer for staff and postgraduate students. You can find details of our sessions at http://www.bath.ac.uk/library/subjects/sessions.html - venues announced nearer each date.

Tuesday 15th August 1030-1200 ***CHANGE OF DATE - now Tuesday 22nd August 10.30 - 12.00
In this session we'll look at the different forms plagiarism can take, consider ideas for planning student assessment to avoid the opportunity for plagiarism, and demonstrate resources that can be used to teach students about plagiarism. We will also look at ways plagiarism can be detected, and introduce the JISC plagiarism detection service, now available to staff across the University.

Keeping Up-to-Date
Tuesday 5th September 1045-1200
This session identifies alerting services to keep you abreast of developments in your field of research. Mainly covering RSS newsfeeds, but also Table of Contents alerting (e.g. Zetoc), identification of email lists, conferences, and so on.

'Who's Citing Whom?
Tuesday 12th September 1030-1200
This session tackles the question: What is cited reference searching? It covers using citation indexes and describes the role of journal impact factors.

Introduction to Copyright
Tuesday 19th September 1030-1200
Guidelines for what you can and cannot copy or make available for your teaching. Covers copyright regulations with reference to developments in creative commons licensing.

Please feel free to contact us for further information on any of these sessions.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Web of Knowledge upgrades

Thomson Scientific have announced a number of changes to Web of Knowledge servies from this weekend. These include:

1. Changing the search syntax from adjacent to 'AND' (as per Google and Scopus).
" In Title or Topic fields apply AND between user entered terms unless surrounded by quotes. This change supports contemporary (simplified) searching, in line with current search trends." For example, 'needle exchange' used to search for the exact phrase 'needle exchange'. It will now search for 'needle AND exchange'. For the exact phrase you have to use quotes: "needle exchange".

2. Author searching improvement - "Author Finder is a quick process that helps you find papers published by a specific author. Enter a last name and first initial, then match the list of results with subject category and institution if known."

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Two new journals from RSC

The Royal Society of Chemistry has recently published two new journals: Soft Matter and Molecular BioSystems.

We currently have free online access but will have to decide whether or not to subscribe to these titles in 2007.

Please have a look and let us know if they are useful to you. They are available via the library's A-Z list of electronic journals:

Monday, July 03, 2006

Communicating with the library

The Library is currently reviewing how we communicate with the University's academic community. In support of this, we are holding a session where you will be given the opportunity to share your opinions on the topic of library communication. We are seeking your views on the effectiveness of our current methods of communication such as e-mail, the library webpages and news flashes and your thoughts on possible future communication techniques.

If you or any interested colleagues are able to come, you would be very welcome to attend a session focusing on our communication with academic staff on Thursday 13 July between 2.30 pm and 4 pm.

We will be holding the session in the meeting room on Level 4 of the Library and offering refreshments (hot/cold drinks and pastries) as an incentive! We're also offering the chance of winning a £30 book voucher as all attendees will be entered into a prize draw.

We look forward to hearing your views. If you or your colleagues are able to attend, please would you be kind enough to reply to
Linda Humpreys (Pharm, NatSci, Chem, Phys) or Kara Jones (Biol, Math, CompSci).