Sunday, March 26, 2006

Goettingen archive

In response to a request from staff in the Mathematics department, we have added links to the material available from the Goettingen archive to our ejournals A-Z listing. This project from the Center for Retrospective Digitization in Göttingen (Göttinger DigitalisierungsZentrum GDZ) has retrospectively archived a number of key journals and made them available online. Titles include Mathematische Annalen, Metrika, Inventiones mathematicae and about 33 other mathematics titles.
We have also added links to the
Numdan archive, a French initative also digitising journal archives. Titles available from here include Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare A,B & C and the Annales de l'institut Fourier from 1945-1999.

LILAC 2006

From Monday to Wednesday (27th-29th March) I'll be attending LILAC 2006 at the University of Leeds. LILAC is an acronym for the Librarian's Information Literacy Annual Conference, presented by the CILIP Information Literacy Sub-Group. (CILIP : Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals). This will be the first LILAC conference I've attended, and am looking forward to hearing new ideas and approaches to information literacy. For those who are new to information literacy, I'll be reporting back with various snippets and salient points to this page so stay tuned!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Research visit to the British Library over Easter? Read on...

We've received this message from the BL:

Tomorrow (9th March) the British Library will be opening its Business and
IP Centre, a new resource for entrepreneurs, SMEs, and researchers who wish
to find how to set up their own business, conduct market research, and to
learn about patents and intellectual property.

We have received overwhelming interest and support for the Centre, and in
light of this, we are expecting our Reading Rooms to run at full capacity
over the Easter holidays.

Of course, we continue to welcome your own library users to this Library,
and with pleasure. It is, however, my hope that, in letting you know in
advance about this very busy forthcoming period we may, together, encourage
researchers to plan their visits carefully, and thereby to do something
actively to avoid disappointment.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Three new biology journals in the JSTOR archive

JSTOR has added three new journals to the Biological Sciences Collection - access these via our A-Z ejournals website or go direct to JSTOR.

The Journal of Cell Biology (Biological Sciences Collection)
Previous Title: The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology
Release Content: Vols. 1 -- 167, 1955-2004
Moving Wall: 1
Publisher: The Rockefeller University Press
ISSN: 0021-9525

(This title is also available via Highwire Press on the ejournals list)

Cell Stress & Chaperones (Biological Sciences Collection)
Release Content: Vols. 1 -- 9, 1996-2004
Moving Wall: 1
Publisher: Alliance Communications Group
ISSN: 1355-8145

Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology (Biological
Sciences Collection)
Previous Titles: Colonial Waterbirds (0738-6028); Proceedings of the
Colonial Waterbird Group (1556-5785)
Release Content: Vols. 1 -- 23, 1978-2000
Moving Wall: 5
Publisher: Waterbird Society
ISSN: 1524-4695

Friday, March 03, 2006

Library Level Two Re-development

Level Two of the library building will be re-developed over the summer 2006.
An overview of the changes is as follows (an outline from Howard Nicholson, University Librarian):

*Replace the existing revolving door with two separate power operated doors;
*Double the size of the Security Desk and re-new almost all of the security control systems (new CCTV, new card system, new turnstiles, new 3M);
*Re-vamp the social area, with breakfast bars and improved seating and PC connections;
*Re-furbish the PC area with smaller desks;
*Relocate many of the services on Level 2 (I have more details if you are interested)

The point of all this moving around is to free up the centre of the floor as a 'learning space', providing a flexible areas for students to work. This is largely in response to the LibQual survey conducted by the library to gather student concerns - of which learning space improvements was at the top of the list. Plans are still being finalised so I will send out further details as they come to hand. It is a good time to warn those who plan to stay on campus over the summer that construction work will require changes in access to the library and the level two collections.

If there's any questions or comments, I'd be happy to feed information back to the Library Management Team.

Computer Graphics Forum

The journal Computer Graphics Forum is available from the Eurographics Digital Library all the way back to volume 2(1) 1983 and this has been added to the e-journals A-Z list.

Garden in a petri

Well it is Friday...
I picked this up serendipidously from a blog called 'pruned', which is loosely about landscape architecture. These are images from the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics at Tel Aviv University -

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Biochemical Journal - 100 years online

To celebrate 100 years, the Biochemical Journal has digitised their backfile and made it available via their website, and via Pubmed.
"The digital archive of over 340,000 pages from 1906 to 2005 will be
accessed free on the web via ( which currently
receives around 5 million page views per annum. It will also be hosted in
perpetuity by PubMedCentral as part of the arrangement with The Wellcome
Trust and JISC".
Access is also available via the library A-Z ejournal list.